I can't believe it's been 8 months. 8 months since I first decided I was going to get wrapped up in photo shoots. 8 months of trial and error, of learning and re-learning, all the while falling deeper in love with photography. I've always been a passionate and artistic person, so it's no wonder that I would love the art of photography. But recently, I've discovered a new passion within my own photography.. Chasing the emotions, the real character and hearts of the subjects in my images.
With trying to learn, I've been shooting anything and everything non-stop. With all this click-click-clicking, I'm realizing what I love to shoot. And that's pretty much everything. However, I la-LOVE to shoot authenticity. Just people, in their element, being naturally and imperfectly themselves. Dorky, crazy, quirky, in love, alive; to bottle all that realness up in a photograph is exactly what I want to do. So here I am, putting it in writing which means it's for reals - I'm ready to focus on lifestyle photography. More couples, families, babies, children, maternity, pets, all that good stuff. But don't completely rule out creative side projects from me either!
It's a whole new world (oh, Aladdin) but when isn't it?
Now, a blog post just isn't complete without some eye candy. Below is the very very adorable Salina, paddling around the lake in my girlfriend's backyard. Yep, that's right, backyard (SO jealous). I love everything about this shoot - the sunshine, the water, the playfulness (honestly, it was like we were goofing around), Salina's rockin' smile when I shout dirty words. We maybe could've done without the scary spiders but I'm sure the neighbours enjoyed hearing the girly screams.

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