
Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Hunt for Time

Being an adult is work.  And Travis and I are so goal-oriented I think we have enough aspirations for 20 people so that's a lotta work, a whole lotta lotta.  My day planner fills up quickly with work, more work, renovations, dogs, appointments, and a sea of to-dos I consistently rewrite into other days.  Honestly, can I please have two more hours in my day?  Just two?!

Living always seems to be my last priority but I'm trying to keep that in check.  Cos really, isn't living all we ever got?  I want to/need to make more time.  I want to volunteer again, dance again, go to the gym more, take workshops and focus on learning, shoot (for me) more, visit friends more, visit family more.  I swear, somehow, someway, I will find those extra two hours.. okay, I'll even settle for one.

Spending some much needed time at Grandma and Grandpa Schulz's with little Elvis.  Oh you know, 
he is just a-freaking-dorable!

Amanda, you never cease to make me laugh.  :)

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