Atlantic City by Bruce Springsteen. I discovered the original '82 version alongside someone that meant a lot to me, my dog. Curled up at my feet, Marley was there when I stumbled upon this song and downloaded. I remember pressing play and listening to the enchanting power come out of my speakers. I wanted the words to be my language so I memorized the lyrics quickly. Blaring the volume, I sang along with Bruce. And so did Marley. We howled and danced together that day. It was silly and stupid and also totally, completely special. That moment - this song, is one of the last memories I have of Marley.
It’s so hard to speak about him. It’s going on a year and a half and I still can’t speak about what happened or him without breaking down. Long exhaaale.
Back to the music. Other than the obvious romantic kind of love and the obvious magician type magic (*poof!), there are two main things in my life that I feel really encompass both love and magic. Those of course would be animals and art. Clearly, photography is my art of choice. But music very much so is an art form that is a part of my soul. It’s astounding; just a quick melody can make your heart burst or bring you to times of sorrow or make your veins pump with adrenaline. Music is art. Music is love. And music is most definitely magic.
When I hear Atlantic City by Bruce Springsteen I get goose bumps along with an overwhelming, awful heart ache. I’m reminded of a great loss, the biggest tragedy of my life actually. It’s such a rad song though, I promise. Atlantic City also reminds me of an amazing undeniable bond that I had never experienced with any soul. When I hear those drums beat, surges of love, of hope for meeting again - ring in my ears. Best news yet? I just discovered a really upbeat version of Atlantic City, thankfully still sung by ol’ Bruce.
Check out this live version with the E Street band. Although it still makes me sad, this version is happier and helps me cope a little better. Hopefully you will likey.
Well now our luck may have died and our love may be cold
but with you, forever I'll stay
We're goin' out where the sands turn into gold
Everything dies, baby that's a fact
Maybe everything that dies
someday comes back
Put your make up on,
fix your hair up pretty
and meet me tonight in Atlantic City
Meet me tonight in Atlantic City
Meet me tonight in Atlantic City
C'mon and meet me..
C'mon and meet me tonight in Atlantic City
On the opening day of your shelter Marley, I’ll blast this one just for you.