Priscilla No.2
I'm a fast typer. Wonder how I got these mad-skilled-Speedy-Gonzales-fingers? Practicing in the tub. Yup, the bath tub. When I was a kid, sitting in a pool of my own filthy water waiting for the ol' Head & Shoulders to soak in, I'd type sentences on an invisible computer. I practiced on my air keyboard pretty much everyday. Why? I don't know (especially considering I had a real, physical computer with a real, physical keyboard just downstairs). And why did I only type on my air computer while I was bathing? Again, don't know. But I'm telling you, I got good on that imaginary thing. And now, I'm not so bad at typing on a real keyboard either. Go figure.
Onto something relevent. I have a dear friend, who like me, is a lover of all things art. Priscilla is a lovely lady that I don't get to see often anymore because she moved to Alberta.. *long dramatic SIIIIIIGH.* When we do get to visit though, it's pretty likely the cameras are coming out to play. This last time, we did a spur of the moment mini-shoot in Priscilla's family's backyard surrounded by mooching bokboks (chickens) and the invigorating (ie. damn cold) country air. Take a look at a few goodies of Priscilla's peacock-inspired look..

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