Ashley's Top 10:
-travel the world with the World Wildlife Fund
-live in Africa for a year
-become an intern for a wildlife sustainability program.. in my big dreamy dreams that would be working for Jane Goodall
-get disaster relief training
-take part in international dog rescues with the World Society for the Protection of Animals
-own a cozy little house on acreage
-open my own dog and cat rescue and rehabilitation centre
-create an international dog and cat rescue, going on annual missions across the globe
-become extraordinarily successful as an artist, encompassing my photography
-have a family
As I said, I know I can't do it all. If I could just check off a couple, I would be so thrilled. The older and older I'm getting (oi, I can just hear my family saying, "You're NOT old!" - I just turned 22 a couple months ago but I feel ancient I tell you!), I'm realizing how important the family one is to me. I've been back and forth about this idea of family throughout my life; as a child I knew I wanted children, once I hit the whole teenage self-centered, drama queen stage though, I completely swore off kids. But once I started dating my now husband at the end of senior year, I absolutely knew I wanted to have children with him. Because of all the other extremely important things on my Top 10 list though, we've been putting babies on the back burner. Hmm. Perhaps that figure of speech wasn't the most aptly chosen. No, there are no crispy babies on the barbie that I'm aware of.
Anyways, latley I've found myself surrounded by friends and siblings and cousins and even strangers at the mall, all with - you guessed it.. babies. This is making our whole late 20s/early 30's family plan difficult because dang, baby fever is contagious. I mean, LOOK at this little girl and tell me you don't want one for yourself.
Pee Ess. Her name is Jamie, she is 10 months old and completely and totally caaa-ute. Her momma is my husband's cousin, Karrie (who is also completely and totally caaa-ute).

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