Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I'll Love Ya Tomorrow
In 4 minutes it will officially be tomorrow. Head should be meeting pillow anytime now. I guess I just had such a good day I don't want to sleep it goodbye. Rewind/fast forward: laughed with (and at) my mom all day, dinner with my husband's wonderful family including a beauty of a remake of Total Eclipse of the Heart, butternut squash ravioli with.. goat cheeeese (!!!!), home to an almost finished kitchen counter top that my husband has been working so hard at, warm fuzzy doggy snuggle sesh and caught up on Glee. Good, right? Yep.
I guess I shouldn't be afraid to fall asleep. Tomorrow will equal = yay! cos I am going on a little day trip to the states with my daddy! For a little while I don't have to be a grown mature adult (trust me, my dad isn't either!) with la-haaame responsibilities. May your day tomorrow...crap, now today - be filled to the brim with pure joy. And if it isn't.. make it.
Hope you enjoy your day trip to the Americans are usually quite welcoming! ;)