
Oh! And there's the renos of course. Gotta keep working and get 'er done. This time next year, I want to see the letters S-O-L-D across our house. Well not literally. If someone graffitied my house I'd probably collapse and die. But hey, I guess if they spray painted 'SOLD' on my house, then it's the new owner's problem.
And finally, I want to improve my art like crazy this summer. I'm going to take my first photography course (with my momma who wants to learn too!). And I'm going to take steps to focus.. Focus on what I really want to shoot, on my own style, on cohesive editing and collections, on building a name for myself and getting out there. I want to be the best artist I can be. I'm scared and just between you and me.. I've been driven close to giving up. But I'm so fortunate to have people that won't let me, that have threatened to kick my ass if I stop. Even when I am so weak and sucky, they are my support team; my amazing parents, extraordinary best friends and the best, I mean the BEST husband in the whole freaking solar system.
You know what, this crappy weather we've been having lately is no reason for me to be in a funk. I am so incredibly blessed, rain or shine.
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