This collection is of my stunning friend, Caitlin, a great photographer herself. I had come up with this concept of a model lying amongst candles on a wood floor and Cait came up with a great idea of being wrapped up in a bed sheet. I love collaborating with others and I’m so glad that we did because I think some of the shots turned out pretty rad. As such a novice though (especially at the time of this particular shoot), I have to admit that I didn't have much of a grasp of the exposure triangle. I think, well hope, that I have much improved since and am continuing to learn. Gosh, learning can be so annoying sometimes though, I tell ya. I want to skip the whole gaining of knowledge part and just know it all. Okay, I know that I will never know it all but c'mon.. I want to get close. And soon! Hmm. What's that phrase my mom always says? Something about a virtue and patience..? Anyways, enough rambling and more looking.

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