After thinking up a million cutsie, funny, creative names for my budding photography business, I ended up going with my gut-feeling. Are you ready for it?.. Ashley Schulz Photography. How creative, I know! I ended up deciding on this for my business name for a couple reasons. I really want my clients to know who I am. I don't want to just be a woman behind a lens; I want to be a stand out person.. With a name. I also think it's just more professional which is ultimately what I want my business to be. Although this blog is going to be really focused on Ashley Schulz Photography (especially for the next little while as I post all the shoots I've been doing), I also want it to be a representation of me as a whole. This includes not only photography but other forms of art, animals (primarily dogs as I am theee biggest dog lover) and a whole lotta love cos you gotta love love. So hopefully not far into the future, I will be actively posting on all of these awesome things.
For now, let's get to an autumn shoot I did of a beautiful and real woman, Jess. I had this vision of a lady in a dress standing in a country field, as her shawl blows with the wind. I was super excited as we started getting windy weather out here but of course, when we actually went to shoot, the wind died thus no shawl blowing. So that idea turned out be a flop, BUT Jess saved the day with her pretty face and I got some pretty great pictures nevertheless.
Pee Ess. I've had a couple people tell me that Jess really looks like Drew Barrymore in these photos. What do you think?!
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