Blah. My head is so heavy that it feels as though my neck can hardly hold it up whilst it takes every last bit of energy I can muster just to pull my drooping eyelids open. And my stummy, ohh my stummy. As you have probably gathered, I feel like absolute garbage. Why? Because I am so FREAKIN' tired! My poor doggies either ate something they shouldn't have (I don't think that's the case because I'm a very watchful, protective momma) or there's a virus going around in doggy world. They both have been having some serious, uhmm... digestive issues(?!) - amongst other things. Slurpee has it the worst and has been sick for going on 3 days now. The nights are just exhausting. I don't know how moms with newborns do this; up every couple hours, just trying to function is deeming close to impossible for me. Right now I'm forced to stay awake as the rice on the stove is simmering for the next 45 minutes. Yup, I'm making rice at 2:45am. My mom told me that white rice will help poor Slurp's tumtum. Having been a special-needs teacher and having raised 3 kids plus multiple litters of puppies, she's a pretty smart cookie when it comes to the mommy business. So of course, anytime I need help or advice on pretty much anything, I call up my momma. Here's hoping the rice really works and this late night cooking is not in vain. Because oh, Pepto Bismol, you have failed us. Ha, I should really get my husband to video tape me giving the kids their Pepto dosages, just for a laugh. They HATE it and that's funny. Especially Soda.. She will let out this weird scream as I try to pin her down and shove the Pepto-filled syringe in her mouth. I honestly thought they might like it. It is cherry flavoured, you silly dogs.
Anyways, less gross sicky talk and more photo talk! I have been really inspired by tall grass lately (odd?). I had created an image in my head of a model with some playful, exotic make up amidst her surroundings as though she is a part of it. I called on my buddy, Dana to model because not only is she a real woman, but she has a unique beauty which you can clearly see below. During the shoot, some wind picked up and we totally went with it with lots of hair flipping. In fact, the hair flipping pictures themselves have inspired me to do a future shoot with a fan and lots of hair blowing and flailing! Can't wait for that..! For now, I have rice to tend to. Good night. :)

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