Once homebound onto the dark, mainly vacant road, I'm cold and tired and completely unmotivated to drive. If you know my husband, then you know that man can sleep. He'll fall asleep at 8:00pm at a loud bangin' party, he'll sleep standing up, he'll sleep walk, sleep talk and he's even been so tired that he's crawled right on top of his step-brother sleeping, thinking it was me. Yes, I gotta good laugh at that one. So anyways, I pretty much know Travis isn't going to be awake for this long trek home. I've been borrowing my parents '95 Toyota Tercel because of a series of unfortunate vehicle circumstances. Anyways, their middle-aged beaut doesn't have a deck or an iPod hook-up. So, I'm skimming through the radio stations to keep me awake and it just sucks. I'm still unmotivated. While now on Highway 1 Eastbound, I start whining to Travis to please stay awake and entertain his driver. Somehow, on this drive, he is able to conquer his crazy sleep monster and he forces his eyelids open. Then for the rest of our long drive home, in our cold, sleep-deprived state, we come up with several really amazing shoot ideas together. One being the best thing, I feel that I - sorry, WE, have ever ever thought of. I am so obviously not going to tell anyone (bahaha) but, this moment is just a mere reflection of a couple big reasons I love Travis Schulz. He'll do everything for me.. He's just the most amazing support system and creative collaborater ever.
Trav motivates me and understands me. We often, somehow, get into deep conversations going back and forth as if we have one brain going through the same thinking process. Being so close for so many years, I don't always remember that the way we think & speak together can actually be quite strange or maybe 'unique' is a better word. The other day, we were hanging out at my best friend's place and since I'd never seen it, Travis & Meghan forced me to watch the original, old version of Alice & Wonderland which I was very adamant about NOT watching. It just looked so.. I don't know.. I just wanted to watch the Lion King. But anyways, being the forceful brats that they are (and that I love), on went this crazy cartoon. After watching it, I knew in a slight way that it was crazy but then still, completely and totally rational. Like, I got it. I think 'weird', the same kind of weird that Alice & Wonderland is considered, all the time. And so does Trav. I don't really remember how it started, but sitting there on Meg's old green leather couch, the same one her and I hung out on as children, Travis and I started creating a movie idea out loud. Going back and forth in a creative, ridiculous banter, Trav would say something our script should be about and then, I would jump off that idea and it would go on and on and before you knew it, we created our own movie. Finally, when we took an ending pause, Meghan was like, "Is that a real movie you guys are talking about?" Then Trav and I were both responded, "No, we made it up. Just now."
Anyways, aside from just our minds meshing like magic (well, I think so) all the time, he is just overall a great support. Literally, he supports me - he'll hold me up to take a picture cos I'm just too dang short. But he'll also hold an umbrella over me and my camera in a pouring rain storm. And he'll carry all the props. He'll position a model. He'll drive me around the whole dang world to the perfect location. He'll over-the-top flatter my completely novice work. But he'll also critique me and honestly rate pieces on a scale of 1-10. And that's just what he does for me regarding photography.
Okay, so after this long verbal vomit (er - typing vomit..?), I'm sure you're sick of me gushing over my awesometastic babealicious. So instead, why don't you take a look at him? Here's just another instance of his creativity working with mine and his support, this time as my male model...

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